Free Guide

8 Beliefs About Money to Unlearn Today

If you’re here, I’m guessing you feel like your money situation could be improved.

In this free guide, I’m sharing with you the reality checks every woman needs to hear.

As women, we are told harmful messages about money. With this guide, you can start to free yourself from those beliefs and become empowered to do money differently.


I’m Danielle

I like to have open conversations about our money, and how we, as women, spend it, save it, and think about it.

I have heard so many women – including high earning women – talk about not having the money for things they really want out of life. My goal is for every woman to shift her mindset about her money and reclaim control over it to make empowered decisions and plans for her life.

What You’ll Learn

1. What we’re told

Women are told lots of messages about money – directly or indirectly – and many of those are downright harmful. In this guide, I’m calling out those beliefs that so many of us have internalized as truth.

2. Reality check

I’m shooting you straight in this guide. No beating around the bush. Sometimes you need a real BFF to give you the honest truth, and that’s what I’m hoping to do. Let’s start to dismantle these deep seeded beliefs that don’t serve us.

3. A new way of thinking

My short and sweet tips will help you start to shift your mindset and think about your finances differently. Your approach won’t (and shouldn’t) shift overnight, but after reading this guide I promise you’ll think twice about things that used to be automatic to you.

4. Now what

These 8 quick and dirty reality checks my trigger something in you that you want to explore. You owe it to yourself to do that. If my free guide sparks the beginning of a new journey for you, I’ll provide ways that you can continue shifting your mindset and future.

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